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Effects of Gum Disease, Tooth Loss Severe in Older Women

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — amherstdental @ 6:02 pm

 older woman smiling Growing research on the effects of gum disease and tooth loss points to the significant toll both can take on an otherwise healthy body. We have already established a strong link between gum disease and cardiovascular disease, for example.


How Overdentures Can Improve Your Bite

September 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — amherstdental @ 6:05 pm

 attractive older couple smiling on a sofaDental implants have been a popular tooth replacement option for decades — and they have never been better than they are today. People who have lost several teeth but still have healthy ones remaining in the jaw can benefit from a special type of implant-supported denture we call “overdentures.” This method is especially helpful in the mandible, or lower jaw. Keep reading to find out how dental implants can secure a denture to help you chew, speak, and smile with full confidence once again.
